Your position: Street Map > "C" Cities > CAMBRIDGE > "P" Streets >

List of streets in CAMBRIDGE with first letter P

Click on street name to see the position on CAMBRIDGE street map. In list you can see 152 streets.

Number of streets (without repeated street names - if some street have more then 1 postcode): 144 street names.

Paddock Close (1)
Paddock Row (1)
Paddock Way (1)
Padlock Road (1)
Pages Close (1)
Paget Close (1)
Paget Road (1)
Pakenham Close (1)
Palmers Close (1)
Pampisford Road (1)
Panther Way (1)
Pantile Lane (1)
Panton Street (1)
Paradise Street (1)
Park Avenue (1)
Park Crescent (1)
Park Drive (1)
Park End (1)
Park Lane (5)
Park Parade (1)
Park Road (2)
Park Street (2)
Park Terrace (1)
Parker Street (1)
Parkers Terrace (1)
Parkside (1)
Parlour Close (1)
Parr Close (1)
Parsonage Barns (1)
Parsonage Close (1)
Parsonage Court (1)
Parsonage Lane (1)
Parsonage Street (1)
Parsonage Way (1)
Partridge Drive (1)
Pates Close (1)
Pavilion Court (1)
Paxton Close (1)
Payton Way (1)
Peacock Drive (1)
Peacock Way (1)
Peacocks (1)
Peakes Court (1)
Pearce Close (1)
Pearces Yard (1)
Pearmain Court (1)
Pearson Close (1)
Pearson Court (1)
Peas Hill (1)
Pease Way (1)
Pegler Court (1)
Pelham Close (1)
Pelham Court (1)
Pelham Way (1)
Pemberton Place (1)
Pemberton Terrace (1)
Pembroke Court (1)
Pembroke Lane (1)
Pembroke Street (1)
Pembroke Way (1)
Pen Close (1)
Penarth Place (1)
Pendragon Hill (1)
Pentland Place (1)
Pentlands Court (1)
Pepperslade (1)
Pepys Terrace (1)
Pepys Way (1)
Percheron Close (1)
Perne Avenue (1)
Perne Road (1)
Perowne Street (1)
Perry Court (1)
Perse Way (1)
Pershore Road (1)
Peter Goodin Close (1)
Petersfield (1)
Petersfield Road (1)
Pettits Close (1)
Pettitts Close (1)
Pettitts Lane (1)
Petty Cury (1)
Petworth Street (1)
Peverel Close (1)
Peverel Road (1)
Pheasant Rise (1)
Picasso Place (1)
Pieces Court (1)
Pieces Lane (1)
Pieces Terrace (1)
Pierce Lane (1)
Pightle Close (1)
Pikes Walk (1)
Pine Court (1)
Pine Grove Park (1)
Pippin Close (1)
Pippin Drive (1)
Pippin Walk (1)
Plantation Road (1)
Plum Tree Close (1)
Plumian Way (1)
Poorsfield Road (1)
Poplar Close (1)
Poplar Road (1)
Poplar Way (1)
Poplars Close (1)
Porson Court (1)
Porson Road (1)
Portland Place (1)
Portobello Lane (1)
Portugal Place (1)
Portugal Street (1)
Portway Road (1)
Pound Close (2)
Pound Hill (1)
Pound Lane (1)
Pound Way (1)
Powell Close (1)
Prentice Close (1)
Preston Close (1)
Pretoria Road (1)
Priams Way (1)
Priest Lane (1)
Primary Court (1)
Primrose Close (1)
Primrose Farm Road (1)
Primrose Lane (1)
Primrose Street (1)
Primrose Way (1)
Prince William Way (1)
Princes Close (1)
Princess Court (1)
Princess Drive (1)
Priors Close (1)
Priory Avenue (1)
Priory Close (1)
Priory Road (2)
Priory Street (1)
Prospect Row (1)
Providence Way (1)
Pryor Close (1)
Pump Lane (1)
Purbeck Road (1)
Pye Terrace (1)

Number beside street name means that street have more than one data (for example postcode).


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